  • 1 - 02253
    • Oh, Young Jae
    • Major : Studio Art
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6653
    • E-mail : ohyj@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
  • 2 - 02364
    • Pyeon, Jung Min
    • Major : Communications Art
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6654
    • E-mail : artangel@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
  • 3 - 02448
    • Yi, Eun Sil
    • Major : Identity Design
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6657
    • E-mail : yes0606@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
  • 4 - 02447
    • Park, Seung Bae
    • Major : Advertising Design
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6660
    • E-mail : spark@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
  • 5 - 02470
    • Park, Woo Hyuk
    • Major : Editorial Design, Typography
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6674
    • E-mail : whpark@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
  • 6 - 02556
    • Yu, Eun
    • Major : UX Design/ Service Design
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6649
    • E-mail : eyu@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile laboratory
  • 7 - 02593
    • Lee, Byoung Hak
    • Major : Data Visualization, Media Programming
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6648
    • E-mail : leebh@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 8 - 02617
    • Noh, Jun Gu
    • Major : Illustration
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6647
    • E-mail : nohjungu@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, korea Visual Design Program, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6650 / Fax:+82-2-979-6650
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